Stage Direction
OPERA | Le Docteur Miracle
Music > Georges Bizet | Libretto > Leon Battu, Ludovic Halévy | Music Director > Bernardo Pinto | Stage Director > Pedro Ribeiro | Set Designer > Ana Gormicho | Costume Designer > Claudia Ribeiro | Lighting > Nuno Almeida | Cast > Helena Ressureição (Veronique), Job Tomé (Podestat), Marco Alves dos Santos (Sílvio), Sara Braga Simões (Laurette) | Production > All’Opera, Camara Municipal de Matosinhos, Teatro Municipal Constantino Nery| Pictures: © Pedro Sardinha 2022 & CMMatosinhos
Director’s note
…If the opera “Cambiale di Matrimonio” was reimagined for a Portuguese office waiting room and the “Elisir d’Amore” for a fish market, this “Docteur Miracle” lives in a Brasserie owned by a Portuguese family emigrated to Nice in the 1980’s (…) This is what I love to do, to find stories that connect with us, with our life story and making them live in a past closer to us. The characters seem to grow, to get bigger and we understand them better. We enter more easily into their fears and mistakes and the music suddenly stops being 165-years-old and becomes an integral part of the new wrapping (…) Everything starts to become balanced before our eyes. Even what never existed on paper.