Costumes Designer
Costumes Design Sketches & Imagery
Puppet Theatre | Armazem 88 | Warehouse 88
Creation > Marionetas do Porto (Catarina Falcão, Filipe Azevedo, João Pedro Trindade, Micaela Soares, Vitor Gomes) | Cast > Bernardo Gavina, Mariana L. Ferreira, Micaela Soares, Vítor Gomes | Music > Roberto Neulichedl | Light design > Filipe Azevedo | Costumes Design > Pedro Ribeiro | Wardrobe Manager > Leticia dos Santos | Set Design > Bruno Capucho | Executive Producer > Sofia Carvalho | Coproduction > Rivoli – Porto Municipal Theatre, Teatro de Marionetas do Porto, Festival Internacional de Marionetas do Porto FIMP – Porto International Puppet Festival | © Images by Pedro Sardinha/FIMP | 2023
“It’s this strange resonance of theater with life that we obsessively seek.” > João Paulo Seara Cardoso, 2001
In the present, we travel to the past to project a future. Diving into the universe of the company’s founder, João Paulo Seara Cardoso, Marionetas do Porto creates a show from its dormant archive, recovering puppets, materials, ideas, and concepts, taking advantage of the timelessness and transmutation present in puppets. Armazém 88 | Warehouse 88 is an ethereal place that reflects on the speed of times, the volatility of things, massification, isolation, and how our emotions survive in this urban world. On this 35th anniversary of Teatro de Marionetas do Porto we present a show that focuses on the reflections of our founder in communion with ours. This is our celebration, our tribute. — Marionetas do Porto